What Lyle outlined seems to be the case (at least for me).  I went from 2gb
to 6gb of RAM on my Windows 2008 64bit workstation today.  The maximum that
I have been able to set the Dev Studio is -Xmx1568m.  If I add much more to
that I get errors trying to start Dev Studio.

I have not been able to find a place within the Java settings to increase
the max JVM heap.  Is it a environment variable that I am missing?

So here is a question.  I have the 32 bit 1.6 JRE installed.  Will that
limit the heap size to a 32bit limit?  When building 64bit 2008 machines one
of the apps (the AR Suite installer maybe?) complained about the 64bit Java
so I went to back to the 32bit.  Is my setup an invalid test of expanding
the max heap over 1.5gb?

I am trying to do a full export of Help Desk/SLA 6 and a bunch of custom
apps from a 7.5 p1 server using Dev Studio 5 p2 with the new Xmx1568m
setting now.  I have not been successful with previous full export
attempts.  I'll update the thread if it is successful.


On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Lyle Taylor <tayl...@ldschurch.org> wrote:

> **
> I doubt that has much to do with it.  The JVM needs memory of its own that
> is separate from (but in the same Windows process memory space) the heap
> allocated to the java program that it uses for internal purposes.  For
> example, when you load a class into the JVM (not instantiate), it will take
> up a certain amount of memory to keep track of that class, its definition,
> etc.  This is stored in the JVM’s memory space, but not on the application’s
> heap.  When you instantiate the class, the instance of the class will be
> stored on the heap.  The more complex your application (the more classes you
> have), the more memory the JVM will have to set aside for housekeeping
> (keeping tracking of the class definitions, etc.), and the less you will
> have for your heap.  DevStudio (Eclipse IDE with BMC plugins) is a complex
> application, so I suspect that the complexity of the application is the
> primary limiting factor on how much heap you can allocate for the program
> rather than how much free memory is on the machine (especially when there is
> more free memory than the 2GB process limit).  Having a full GB of extra
> free memory above what your process can even consume isn’t going to help
> much – it’s not even going to affect it.
> Lyle
> *From:* Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:
> arsl...@arslist.org] *On Behalf Of *Joe DeSouza
> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 16, 2009 1:02 PM
> *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> *Subject:* Re: Anybody able to export all ITSM 7.x definitions with
> DevStudio?
> **
> That kind of explains why you cannot raise it beyond the limit you said. If
> you want to use more than what you have set, try increasing your client
> memory. For eg. if you want your max memory around 2048 MB, make sure that
> just before launching DevStudio you have at least about 3400 MB of
> 'available free physical memory'. Which might mean you might have to use a
> client PC that has about 4 GB of 'Total Memory'
> Mind you there is a difference between 'Total Available memory' and 'Total
> Available Free Memory'.
> Joe
>    ------------------------------
> *From:* Guillaume Rheault <guilla...@dcshq.com>
> *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 16, 2009 12:48:15 PM
> *Subject:* Re: Anybody able to export all ITSM 7.x definitions with
> DevStudio?
> **
>  Not quite, I have about 2.5 GB of physical memory available before
> launching DevStudio
> Guillaume
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) on behalf of Joe
> DeSouza
> Sent: Tue 06/16/09 12:35 PM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: Re: Anybody able to export all ITSM 7.x definitions with
> DevStudio?
> Let me sport a guess here.. your client where you are running
> your DevStudio client from has available physical memory of about 1.8 to 2.2
> GB before you launch DevStudio with any setting above 1354 MB??
> Joe
> ________________________________
> From: Guillaume Rheault <guilla...@dcshq.com>
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 3:59:15 PM
> Subject: Re: Anybody able to export all ITSM 7.x definitions with
> DevStudio?
> **
> Actually the maximum memory setting that I can specify in my devstudio.ini
> is 1354 MB:
> -vmargs
> -Xms64m
> -Xmx1354m
> This is really weird....
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) on behalf of Guillaume
> Rheault
> Sent: Mon 06/15/09 3:48 PM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: Re: Anybody able to export all ITSM 7.x definitions with
> DevStudio?
> David, I cannot increase my maximum memory JRE setting for DevStudio past
> 1280 MB.
> Shouldn't I be able to increase it to 2048 MB? What is the maximum memory
> setting for DevStudio?
> Thanks, Guillaume
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) on behalf of Easter,
> David
> Sent: Mon 06/15/09 3:41 PM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: Re: Anybody able to export all ITSM 7.x definitions with
> DevStudio?
> In AR System 7.5.00, the timeout for the C and Java APIs was increased to 8
> hours.  That was to address the ARERR 93 that is received on large exports,
> which represents a timeout.  The issue below is stated as running out of
> memory, which sounds like a different issue.
> -David J. Easter
> Sr. Product Manager, Solution Strategy and Development
> BMC Software, Inc.
> The opinions, statements, and/or suggested courses of action expressed in
> this E-mail do not necessarily reflect those of BMC Software, Inc.  My
> voluntary participation in this forum is not intended to convey a role as a
> spokesperson, liaison or public relations representative for BMC Software,
> Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [
> mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG <arslist@ARSLIST.ORG>] On Behalf Of Carey
> Matthew Black
> Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 12:19 PM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: Re: Anybody able to export all ITSM 7.x definitions with
> DevStudio?
> Guillaume,
> I have not tested it with DS.(DevStudio)
> This issue has been discussed on ARSList (and reported to the vendor)
> multiple times across multiple version(AKA: years).
> However, in previous Admin Tool version I think you will find that the
> problem is actually a client timeout at the C API layer. Basically the
> Application Server can not get the objects together in one big string fast
> enough to return to the client before the client decides that the server
> fell off the face of the planet.
> And the last time I asked Tech support... there is no environment setting
> that you can set to adjust the timeout. So there is no known way to override
> the "reasonable" timeout when you know your doing something that will take a
> very long time to complete.
> In the past an approach to workaround this is to use things like Driver, or
> an API program to loop over all of the objects and export them one at a
> time.
> Maybe DS fixed that problem? ( But it does not sound like it to me.)
> What is amazing to me is that BMC Tech Support considers the fact that you
> can not export all of the objects at one time to be a "performance problem"
> and it is "the customers implementation" that is the root cause of the
> condition. (AKA: They are not even willing to open a bug against the
> version/API. So they take no responsibility and have no interest in
> re-implementing anything to avoid the problem of "slow customer hardware".
> And I have yet to have anyone from the company confirm that they have
> hardware that can actually do the task either.)
> --
> Carey Matthew Black
> BMC Remedy AR System Skilled Professional (RSP) ARS = Action Request
> System(Remedy)
> Love, then teach
> Solution = People + Process + Tools
> Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two.
> > From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
> _Platinum Sponsor: rmisoluti...@verizon.net ARSlist: "Where the Answers
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