Trond (all),

There are other cheaper/better reporting tools out there already.

It would not require a lot of work for BMC to incorporate something
like JasperReports ( into the AR
System product too. (And there are other options as well. Maybe a more
extreme option would be for BMC to leverage a package deal where
having an AR System license also means you get a special, maybe
specifically limited to AR System, BOXI install/license too. Or maybe
just open up a good extension point for the community to build the
integrations to JasperReports, or BRIT [ ]  or DataVision [ ] or any number of other possible
reporting tool choices. )

BTW: One of the best first steps to allow almost all of those other
reporting tools would be to make an AR System JDBC driver much like
they have made the [GRRR ... Windows only] ODBC driver so far.

While I am sure these areas of functionality/budgeting are very
important to BMC AR System customers, I can only expect that BMC will
have a plan before these concerns become problems for their customers.

BMC has a few years to do whatever they decide they need to do.

I would also suspect that while v8.0 might be the last release of the
User Tool that it will still work against the v8 (+2 version) per the
current software backwards compatibility support model.  However, that
is looking really, really far in the the crystal ball. So who knows
what that future will really hold. ( I doubt BMC really knows what
their plans are just yet. )

In the short term I would suggest that all customers that are
concerned by this "breaking news" do the usual things:

Let BMC sales reps know about your concerns.
Let BMC tech support people know about your enhancement requests.
Keep an eye to the future, and continue to look for faster, more
accurate and cheaper solutions to your business needs. ( After all you
have a few years to plan what your business needs to do. )

Carey Matthew Black
BMC Remedy AR System Skilled Professional (RSP)
ARS = Action Request System(Remedy)

Love, then teach
Solution = People + Process + Tools
Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two.

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 6:30 AM, Trond Valen <> wrote:
> What about running Crystal Reports reports on the Mid-Tier? Will everyone 
> have to buy BOXI, Crystal Reports or Crystal Reports Developer Advantage 
> licenses?
> Trond

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