The Broadway ARTS LLC Group hopes to revitalize the Broadway corridor.  I have been reading so much about this with very little said about what's really happening.
None of the current owners are being allowed to participate in this plan and the plan will allow the use of eminent domain, if we do not bow down to the powers behind it.
In a time when the entire Country is screaming out against eminent domain abuse, we here in Long Branch keep getting plan after plan all of which at it's core is the grabbing of land from current owners to give to politically affiliated friends of the Long Branch Administration.
Mayor Adam Schneider has received the political support of both the Katz and Pereira families for years now.  Mayor Schneider's law offices are in a building owned by one of Larry Katz's LLC's or property management companies.  One may jokingly say; "They are as thick as thieves."  Only with the lower Broadway plan it's not a funny _expression_!
As a current owner of property in the targeted area I felt that the stories left far too much out to be ignored.  First of all two accounts said that Broadway Arts LLC, the developer is Representing a group of long-time business owners on the block.
When in fact Siperstien's owner Larry Katz and his son Todd are the only business operators at property on the block in the 2 party group.    None of the other property owners presently on the two blocks are permitted to be included.
As a matter of fact all of them who approached Todd Katz were sent away with no hope to participate. He wants to buy us all out for very little.  Most are tired of his arrogant attitude and none of us cares about how close or beholding the Mayor is to him and his father.  Nor do we care how many appointed official positions he has served in at the bequest of the Mayor.  All we are getting is a forced appraisal and in a short time a 2 week notice to sell or loose our land through eminent domain. Just like the MTOTSA home owners.
 The City's appraiser, Hugh McGuire is the very same guy who appraised the ocean front which included Mr. Bruce Mac Cloud's Cooper avenue home.  That appraisal was for $140,000.00, when Mr. Mac Cloud's appraiser came in at over $600,000.00.  So how confident can we, the commercial property owners be with what is coming.
A good look at lower Broadway does indicate it needs some tender loving care, no one disputes this.  Frankly the buildings that need most of the work have been used as storage and warehouses as well as industrial purposes are all owned by Mr. Katz.  It's obvious to us who have been property owners for decades here, feel Mr. Katz served himself by only using his properties as storage and warehouses.  One could easily conclude that he kept downtown in need of revitalization.
However every property owner who has brought plans to renovate their buildings to the City were turned away, because apparently this deal between Mayor Schneider and political supporters Katz & Pereira families has been in the smoke filled back rooms of political nonsense for as far back as 5 years.
The plan stinks, for it is excluding the present property owners and stealing away their tenants into his proposed west bank of Lower Broadway.
Besides one of the two buildings Broadway Arts LLC wants to donate to the City is the old Clem Sommers Building.  Guess what, neither Katz nor The Pereira's own that building.  How do you offer in a development proposal property to a City that you don't even own?
Further more what does the City need with two buildings.  Operating theatres is not a good idea for Municipal Governments.  Almost every theatre company in New Jersey operates at a loss.  All of them are subsidized as much as 50% of their annual budgets.  Do the tax payers of the City of Long Branch need this additional tax burden?  I think not!
Lower Broadway does not need Katz.  He wants to close his business on Lower Broadway and move into the Evicted Bowling Alley he bought across from Monmouth Race Track on Joline Avenue, that's fine.  To expect to use in his exit plan his political clout with Mayor Schneider to evoke eminent domain so he could take away all the commercial properties owned by us is extremely corrupt.
Leave us in Peace and build a bowling alley where your paint store is now, you owe the City at least that much seeing as you eliminated the only recreational indoor facility in town with your relocation ideas.  You have plenty of property here so why not add a skating rink as well.  That's what you should do Mr Katz build a recreation facility where your buildings are on lower Broadway so the children can have a safe place to spend free time bowling, skating and enjoying movies with their families all good clean American fun.
Rev. Kevin Brown
Lighthouse Christian Center
162 Broadway, Long Branch, NJ 07740

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