In a message dated 8/24/2007 3:14:17 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Nice  spin.  Corporations don't vote.  Please take a picture the next time  
you see a building or corporate document walk into a voting 
booth.....By  the way Mario, the "Open Secrets" link you posted for TV?Radio 
showing an edge  to Republicans - that includes PACs.  They don't vote 
either.  I  had to read the fine print to find that out.
Corporations and PACS "vote" with their money, their lobbying, and  getting 
their people appointed to agencies like energy, mine safety, banking,  
servicing the troops (Haliburton) et al.  
This trend is is nationwaide 

Among telecommunications companies in Florida, BellSouth has no equal in  
terms of raw political influence. During the span from the 2000 elections  
through those in 2004, BellSouth gave $846,828 to the Florida Republican  
including a $100,000 contribution in July 2002. The company also  donated 
$259,000 to the Florida Democratic Party over the same period. 

Telecommunications is media! A little naive to think all that money  from 
non-voting entities has no impact on elections.
If you want to look at actual real voters and where their money is  going ---

WASHINGTON -- With more than a year to go before the 2008 elections,  
Democratic candidates have raised $100 million more in campaign contributions  
Republicans, putting them on track to win the money race for the White  House 
and Congress for the first time since the government began detailed  accounting 
of campaign fund raising three decades ago.Democrats have taken the  lead by 
exploiting widespread disapproval of President Bush and the Iraq war  to 
develop a more robust online network of new, small donors, as well as to  gain 
traction with deep-pocketed business contributors.  WSJ  

But back to the starting  point though.  This started with not who voted and 
who didnt't.  Just  where did you get your information.

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