In a message dated 9/11/2007 5:05:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I believe one of the worst things to happen in my lifetime was NAFTA  which I 
blame Clinton for.  

Most liberals or at least labor unions did also.   Clinton's wing  of the 
Democratic Party was quite moderate on economic and trade issues:  The 
Leadership group.

I admit I lean liberal on a lot of issues and conservative on  others.  Kinda 
sounds independent to me. 

Goldwater came out for gay rights; Lester Maddox late in life apologized  for 
his opposition to the MLK Civil Rights movement;  Wm. F. Buckley,  father of 
modern conservatism, favors the legalization of drugs which now  called 
illicit; Hagel and other Republicans oppose Bush's handling of the  war.  No 
need to 
admit.  Anyone who understands politics knows the  continuum of political 
views on various issues
To really find out what label applies to you, try this site.  You  answer a 
series of questions; then your views are charted on a graph with not  the 
simple continuum, but with a sophisticated graph, with both horizontal and  
vertical (forgot what they're called.)

 But I guess because I don't worship at the altar of guys like Rush  Limbaugh 
I would be considered a liberal.   I love those guys.   "Dittoheads" -- they 
proudly say they're a ditto head and then say the other  side doesn't have a 
brain.  Amazing!

Dittoheads are our era's version of the herd animals in Animal  Farm:  no 
understanding, just bleating of slogans to out-shout  dissenters:  "Four legs 
good!  Two Legs bad!"  "Love it or Leave  it."  "These Colors don't Run," "USA! 
USA! USA!" et  al.

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