Why don't they do a little work and place the homeless in the old Lowe's by the Seaview Square Mall? That's the building that had some problems with the ground and has been empty for the past few years. It's big enough to turn into some sort of shelter for hundreds I'd imagine.

It'll cost a fortune to tear down the building. It might be cheaper to utilize it for the public good.

On Oct 18, 2007, at 10:13 AM, oakdorf wrote:

...actaully, the county is overwhelmed with people who need "housing

Yep, right here in America. Monmouth County.

There's simply no place to put the homeless.

That is, unless you drive through Eatontown/Tinton Falls, where the
government spent probably around $100 million fixing up the apartments
off hope road (howard commons and whatever else they're called) and
then decided not to house anyone there. Hundreds of units have
already been torn down.

But you know why?

Because the towns were afraid that these nie new apartments would
become homes to low or no income people. At least that's what I read.

Drive down there, there are hundreds of apartments there.

So Mr. Brown, The rescue mission and whomever else wants to help,
should pick up the phone and call Mr. Kean and ask if they can place
some homeless people in these nice, new government fixed up aprtments
that have sat empty for a few years now.


Solved even if temporary until "these people" get back on their feet.

These people is alot of families that are simply just stuck for one
reason or another, not just druggies, ex cons, alcs etc.

Howard Commons.

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