[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:            You've cut and pasted from a myriad of 
sites as evidenced by the misspelling you failed to spot after pasting.
  In a message dated 12/27/2007 6:48:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
  You can't be fair even for a minute. I changed the debate!?
The subject was Pinch rooting for the enemy to kill an American 
soldier   You counter with the Pope and Nazis.
I'll ask again - I changed the debate?!  The subject was global warming which 
through your game of Gowhackanoggin wound up accusing some of treason, another 
of your smears.
  I believe it is you that changed the debate. You won't admit it.  Because 
it's not true.  The Pope was analogy and a warning about using statements, out 
of context, to prove a point.
  You'll cut and paste an bunch of stuff from the net,    You pasted that 1971 
quote from the right wing blogoshere.
  topi (that no one will read),  That may be, but it's on the record to point 
out how shallow your observations are.  If you don't read it, that gives the 
lie to your saying you always read both sides then make up your mind.
  Because that's what "Internet tough guys" do.  I don't affect the Macho tough 
guy here.  That's your schtick.
  I'm just well-informed, and when it suits me, I assert my American right to 
speak out.  But I also respect the responsibility to be informed about what I'm 
  If I don't always respond, that's because I would need a full time staff to 
keep up with overstatements, ad hominems, strawmen, and a panoply of 

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