Two people lying for each other are expected to say the same thing.

Happens in court all the time.

On Dec 27, 2007, at 8:01 PM, justifiedright wrote:

Two people telling the truth are expected to say the same thing.

Happens in Court with witnesses all the time.

--- In, Jersey Shore John
> Ah, yes. Of course. mAnnthrax:
> "On August 14, 2003, in her weekly column on the extreme right
> mouthpiece,, about former Vice President Al Gore
> current Governor Gray Davis, Ann Coulter wrote:
> "Both were veterans, after a fashion, of Vietnam, which would make
> Gore-Davis Presidential ticket the only compelling argument yet
> favor of friendly fire."2
> This from a woman who has written two best selling books entitled
> Slander and Treason.
> One does not have to look very far to find examples of Ms.
> blatant hypocrisy. The very first line of her latest book reads:
> "Liberals have a preternatural gift for striking a position on
> side of treason." She later explains:
> "Liberals could never figure out who the enemy was – other than
> enemy called the United States of America. In the early 1970's,
> current publisher of the New York Times, Arthur `Pinch'
Sulzberger, a
> college student and anti-war activist at the time, was asked by
> father, the then-publisher of the Times, whom he would want to
> shot if an American soldier came face to face with a North
> soldier. `I would want to see the American guy get shot," Pinch
> `It's the other guy's country.' Today he issues treasonous
> demanding that Bush get approval from the Vichy government before
> taking action against terrorists."4
> In Ann's world, advocating the death of an American soldier at
> hands of a North Vietnamese soldier defending his country is
> treasonous. Advocating the "fragging" of an eventual two term Vice-

> President and California Governor is not."
> On Dec 27, 2007, at 5:40 PM, justifiedright wrote:
> > Rooting for the enemy soldier against an American soldier has
> > nothing to do with his age (20). That's plenty old enough to know
> > better.
> >
> > It shows his lack of patriotism; his treason streak.
> >
> > It may be dismissed by like minded people, but not people who
> > respect our soldiars.
> >
> > --- In, MarioAPNJ@ wrote:
> > >
> > > In a message dated 12/27/2007 4:47:24 P.M. Eastern Standard
> > > justifiedright@ writes:
> > >
> > >
> > > All those words below and nothing from you about Pinch saying
> > he'd
> > > root for an enemy soldier against an American soldier.
> > >
> > >
> > > Apparently you didn't read and consider the route that 1971
> > made it to
> > > 2007 as an irrational dismissal of the NYT in favor of Moon's
> > papers.
> > >
> > > "Obfuscation" is a knee jerk response. In 36 years, one dumb
> > answer from a
> > > man when he was 20 years old does not make a case. Most of us
> > have matured
> > > in our world view I would hope.
> > >
> > > One 20-year-old dumb statement from a man to his father is all
> > the right
> > > wing machine could muster? lol
> > >
> > > Reagan claimed that CO2 from trees caused pollution. And the
> > is
> > > overwhelmed with embarrassing Bushisms.
> > >
> > > Under our Free-Market Capitalism: NYT # 1, Asbury Park Press #
> > 74, and
> > > Moon's Times # 97.
> > >
> > > I'll stick with the ratings and the general intelligence of
> > America's
> > > newspaper reading public who want to be well-informed.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > **************************************See AOL's top rated
> > > (
> > >
> >
> >
> >

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