I'm not familiar with zd&t, I'm afraid. My involvement with zPDT and its 
predecessors/alternatives was using the z/os CD image which, iirc, gave you a 
turnkey system without a lot of futzing around.
If you want to test IMS txs though, I imagine you'd need to bring over your IMS 
environment configuration and libraries, so yes, some systems work is probably 
inevitable, but not as much as you fear.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Thu, 2 Dec 2021 at 17:33, Schmitt, Michael<michael.schm...@dxc.com> wrote: 
  Would "running a zPDT" system mean running z System Development and Test 
Environment (ZD&T)? I thought that was only for development and testing.

Also, I have a hard time understanding ZD&T.

I need to test IMS online transactions, but I don't want them to run in the 
real IMS environment.  I think there are few options for this:

- Micro Focus Enterprise Developer (MFED)
- ZD&T

IBM Developer for z/OS (IDz) is out because it runs the tests on the real z/OS 
system, which would interfere with other users not to mention corrupt the 

But the problem with ZD&T, as far as I can tell, is:

- Requires Linux
- Costs twice as much as MFED
- Since it is an emulation of z Systems, doesn't that mean that you have to be 
a z Systems system programmer/administrator to install and manage it?

I mean, I know how to assemble, link, and execute HLASM programs on z/OS. I 
don't know how to install the assembler, binder, or JES on z/OS nor any of the 
other myriad things the IT department is doing.

Is the only purpose of ZD&T to be used to test z/OS images as an alternative to 
testing on an actual LPAR (or in VM)? Meaning, you're someone that can install 
z/OS on an LPAR, but you're going to put it on a Linux machine instead.

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> On Behalf 
Of Ian Worthington
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2021 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: z/Architecture Principles of Operation pdf

Have you considered running a zPDT system, or getting a cloud system just for 
that?  That's got to be cheaper than sysplex licensing, surely?
> IBM has a free BookMaster to HTML converter, which in theory could be used to 
> convert our system BookMaster documentation to HTML, but in practice it is 
> too buggy. I've tried fixing some of the bugs but get bogged down in trying 
> to figure out what CSS to generate.
What about converting to XML and pushing the formatting issue into the style 

Best wishes,

Ian ...

    On Monday, November 15, 2021, 11:53:41 AM GMT-5, Schmitt, Michael 
<michael.schm...@dxc.com> wrote:

 I miss BookMaster too, because all of my system documentation is written in 
it, and we can't format documentation updates anymore. (The problem is that the 
sysplex licensing for SCRIPT/VS is prohibitively expensive. No SCRIPT means no 

I also have a system that creates both printed documentation and ISPF help from 
the same BookMaster source, by replacing the ISPF help engine with its own 
system (for help in the application, not across all ISPF). Now I have to 
maintain the help source by hand.

IBM has a free BookMaster to HTML converter, which in theory could be used to 
convert our system BookMaster documentation to HTML, but in practice it is too 
buggy. I've tried fixing some of the bugs but get bogged down in trying to 
figure out what CSS to generate.

> (though the script underpinnings, not so much)

Agree. SCRIPT/VS macros are the hardest programs I've worked in. The macros 
look like a cat walked across the punctuation keys, and every single character 
is critical


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