Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

@joseph, I agree on the vidian, they were! an interesting race, they were understandable, even sympathetic, but at the same time completely ruthless in what they did, however again voyager just stopped using them fairly quickly in favour of mostly none entities.

The  Herojen though i never really saw as that interesting. They were bbig and mustly like the Klingons, they loved honourable combat and chases like the Klingons, heck you never really saw any of their culture but them murdering people, they just felt like an "oooh we need an enemy race" afterhtought rather than someone the writers actually put time into.

The borg in voyager disappointed me, since I really liked them in next gen, they were just this mysterious unstoppable enemy, but in voyager they just felt far too everyday, all that alien quality they had, that completely different set of goals just went out the window in favour of far too many plots about 7 of 9. I do remember hearing that the actress who played Janeway was something of a nazi feminist and since she was also directing a lot of the shows at that point didn't want any plots about male characters, which might explain why people like kim or paris never really got developement, indeed the only male character who really got anything interesting to do was occasionally the doctor. I also never got the 7 and chakotay thing either, that felt far more like "oooh we need a romance" and after 7 became close to the doctor it was just a bit tacked on, indeed while the maquis plot was realy interesting with the cardassian agent, chakotay just stopped really doing much after that it seemed, accept when the ship randomly ran across an indian cultural reference.

To me the nano probe thing was all part of this decline in actual plot and over all quality, hence my deus ex nanomachina, and one reason why I felt voyager really went down hill after 7 came on board even though 7 herself was potentially a n interesting character.

Btw, quite ironically I did enjoy voyager season 7. The paris belana thing went somewhere, indeed we got some interesting insites into belana's character, it just felt far more like the program was moving again and not just composed of yet another janeway saves the day with nanoprobes plot.

It's a shame in a way since out of all the series of startrek, voyager imho had most potential, getting away from all those familiar romulans and klingons etc and out to discover new races, the real problem was that what we actually discovered just wasn't really anymore interesting than what had been left in the alpha quadrent big_smile.

Indeed, it's something of an irony that during the alternative universe arc in the doctor who audios, the eighth doctor does much the same as voyager. He's exiled to a completely different, timeless universe, and some of the things he finds there are just plane weerd! like an environment which is a giant test tube that accellerates evolution so that he winds up having to confront a composite creature formed of himself and his companion who have spent too long there, or an environment that exists in a timeless loop of events, endless rerunning a neuclear war, but only resets when everyone is dead.

It's this quality, this level of alien ideas I wanted to see in voyager, but which unfortunately I ddidn't seem to get much of, well aside perhaps from the vordian and species 8752, and even they became a little familiar and  comfortable after a while, just like the borg.


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