Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Hi all,

I see I am behind on posts so I'll answer them in order as I see them.

@Dark, yeah, I don't often use phasers either as they aren't really that effective in combat. About the only time I engage enemies with phasers is when their shields are down or very low or I am simply out of torpedoes to throw at the enemy ships.

Regarding planets you are absolutely right. There are usually some sort of military installations there that can be targets such as factories to build the ship hulls, factories to build the computer components for the ships, etc. A more tactical game would involve destroying such factories to slow down repairs and halt ship production which would be interesting if I wanted to go that far.

As far as a single ship game verses a  strategy game like STFC I also agree. I wanted to do that originally, but didn't have enough skill with C# .NET and DirectX at the time to do it. Of course, things are different and thanks to the fact I have designed an engine in C++ with a lot of the basic functions in place it would not be all that complicated now. However, I really would like a Lone Wolf style Trek game myself.

@Doctor, that would certainly be amusing, but to be honest Q would be two powerful a being for that type of game. Besides there are more than one Q out there and it wouldn't necessarily have to be the Q we know from TNG, DS9, and Voyager. In fact, it would be more fun if our ship and crew encountered a different member of that alien race.

@Locutus, actually its not difficult in terms of ship sounds. I could use the bridge ambiance for the ship sound, or I could over lay the hum and thrum of the sound of the impulse and warp engines as they are engaged. If you pay close attention to the background ambiance in TNG and Voyager you can hear what the ship sounds like as it is cruising through space when people are in the hallways and corridors which would make a good general amb iance sound.

@Dark, there are actually a number of different Q that have shown up in the series. They never said what happened to that female Q in True Q who left to go with the Q Continuum at the end of the show. It would be kind of cool to see what happened to her after that episode. Since she saved the Enterprise in that show it would stand to reason that she would be more or less an Ali to the Federation rather than a pest like the Q we all know and love.

@Doctor, I never liked Trelane's character. I didn't like him in the classic TV series, and I think his character only got worse in Q Squared. Besides you have missed the ending of the book because Captain Picard killed Trelane with Q's help. He had to in order reset the multiverse back to normal.

@Dark, I agree Peter David is one of the better Star Trek writers. For one thing he works for DC Comics and writes for the Star Trek comics, and as a fan of the original series he came up with some uni que plots that managed to revisit storylines that were left hanging in the Classic Series like the origins of the Doomsday Machines, what happened to Trelane after the series ended, and a few other topics that were unique and were not just another piece of fan fiction. Plus Peter David's books often have some light humor in them here and there.

I love the part in Vendetta where the Borg are like cutting up this planet and along comes Delcara in this super Doomsday Machine, and they give her the typical surrender resistance is futile line. Delcara says something like, "see you in hell you cosmic bastards!" Then, blows the Borg cube apart with one shot. It was fricking hilarious.

However, I think the funniest thing in that book is when that stupid Ferengi commander beamed over to a Borg cube to conduct trade with the Borg and see if he could cut a deal with them. That entire one-way conversation is absolutely hilarious. I don't remember it line for line , but I love it when he says, "you only talked about what you want. What about what I want?" Then, the Borg replies, "you are irrelevant." I think I laughed for a solid minute after that one.

Peter David's books frequently have such light humor intermixed into the stories that makes them more than just another Star Trek book. They have a little more depth and character that makes them something I'd like to read more than once. Although, Q Squared isn't one of my favorites. That book is too, well, warped when you come down to it.

As far as Star Trek books in general I probably have read at least 300 books, some good, and some bad, but over all I think the majority of them were fairly decent. Most of my favorites were the Next Generation books as they really had a good selection of books and authors. Some of my favorites include Dark Mirror, The Reunion, Captain's Honor, the Devil's Heart, and probably a handful of others I am f orgetting right now.


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