Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

Personally I think this topic name is a bit exadurated. Windows doesn't really dominate the world, nor is it an order. As for my opinnion on the topic itself, I have been  windows user all my life and probably won't change that. The reason I'm not switching to mack is because there is so much on a windows pc that I wouldn't be able to do on an out of the box mack. I would in the end be paying far more for access to things that run under windows on a mack than just buying a windows pc, because on top of paying for the makc I also need to pay for a vm to run everything. Even then, there are things which simply don't run on a vm, such as swamp, and I did pay a good amount of money for that. I want to install windows without sighted help? You can turn on narator in the setup program. I can put up with narator's horrible screen reader capabilities until I've downloaded n v d a, then I never touch it again. So yes, it is possible to install window s without sighted help. This rant is not anything personally against mack users, its simply my two cents on this matter.

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