Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

@Sebby not sure how much you screwed around with Fedora, but for some idiotic reason ALSA is muted by default, you might try something like "amixer set Master 100" in a terminal and see if that helps, though I don't think those pre-packaged distros come with the alsa-utils package. I've heard Linux audio can be problematic in Vmware though, might want to try booting it natively. If the machine you're booting on has multimedia volume keys you can simply press volume-up and you'll have audio (I don't think Xorg recognized the volume keys on Macbooks though sad.) Totally get you on not caring for Espeak, which is why I don't use Linux as much as I otherwise might; you can get an old version of Eloquence (or Viavoice, as it was known then) running but it involves a lot of obsolete 32-bit packages and is somewhat buggy. I also have the option of Braille but it's just not worth it for me. Personally I don't care for Debian or any of the other preconfigured distros. Not sure what you're ideal setup is, but if you're like me (and have time to screw around with initial configuration) you'll probably love Arch and never want to go back. As they say, Arch is pure Linux with a nice package manager.
The Cortana commitments thing feels more like an insult to peoples' intelligence than anything else, I guess MS is just trying to get people used to their OS holding their hand through everything. I admit I thought Cortana was cool for a while, and that it'd be really nice to be able to just ask my computer the time, weather or do a conversion from across the room or something, but it was just too much of a hassle to manage. Ah well.

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