Re: Winamp going to heavens on 20th of December 2013

Fair enough, Dark. You've obviously made your mind up. smile

Personally I've made the move, and love having everything easily accessible in one joy-filled application. Sure there's lots of other stuff floating around on my disks that will never go in there, but my purchases jive well with all my CD rips and Audible and BookMaker (m4b built from MP3) books, I can remotely control my library from my iPhone and stream it 'round the flat with AirPlay, copy or play library items easily and automatically from iTunes on other computers or iOS devices, share my library with guests and let them vote on songs to listen to, and it's all just fabulous. I guess you could say I was a true consumer. big_smile

Of course, it also helps a lot that I manually migrated most of my stuff. Perhaps you can't do that with your library, and need extra tools just to tag your files using ID3 with information stored in folder paths, just so iTunes doesn't turn your lovely collection into a steaming pile. I can appreciate how that's one hell of a disincentive, but if you name your files consistently it's just a matter of writing or using a script or program that will perform the tagging before you import.

Anyway, different spokes for different folks, I suppose, as usual. I just wanted you to know that there were success stories as well as haters. smile


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