Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Extreme sarcasm alert:

"Don't worry though. If you're on the political right, this virus can't hurt you. It must feed on self-righteousness or altruism or something. It only targets ignorant, lunatic leftists who let fear get the better of them. Seriously, if it weren't for those dang leftists, this virus wouldn't even be a problem. They'd all be dead and the world would be a better place. Or maybe no one would be dead, or hardly anyone, anyway, and the world would be a better place because the capitalist machine would still be spitting out its daily death and debt just as efficiently as it used to. All hail the status quo! But since they had to go crazy with all the social distancing and mask-wearing bullshit, people are dying more now than they would have if we'd just left the bloody thing alone. I mean seriously, that's some amazing universe-busting logic, right there. The more safety you employ, the more dangerous this thing actually gets, which means that greater infection rate somehow translates to lower risk. Look, I don't get it either, but that's just the way it is. So clearly the answer is to just let it run its course and kill everyone that doesn't matter. Anyone telling you that this virus is actually dangerous is just trying to scare you. If you die of Covid-19, you won't actually be dying of Covid-19. You'll be dying because your lungs shut down for completely unrelated reasons, or your organs failed for completely unrelated reasons. Or your brain threw a rod for completely unrelated reasons. Oh, and that virus in your system? It's pretty harmless. If you're young and healthy, you'll get better. Just ignore it and it will go away. Go back to work. Don't wear a mask. Don't be afraid. Be free! Long live 'Murica! Make 'Murica great again...or wait, was it make 'Murica sick again? Can't remember. Breathe in. Breathe out. Long live the orange. And all those people saying "I can't breathe"...never mind them either."

Obviously I don't believe any of that, and I agree that the disease is not fully known yet and is causing far greater problems than its mortality rate. I won't rush out to get a vaccine the instant it's available, but I also won't take ridiculous and insensitive chances in the meantime. I have respect for front-line workers, and I want to see them go on living, and hopefully living virus-free, so here we are.

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