Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Turtlepower, I understood you, don't worry. I'm glad you're wearing a mask at more than just your job. I'm in a position where I make a point to wear a mask in public if I'm out for any length of time, but if I'm, say, just nipping down to get the mail or going to put the trash out, I may not. In those situations I'm in and out in less than two minutes, and I make a point of going at weird hours so I don't actually encounter anyone. At this point, if I go to a store or whatever, I mask up. I don't even think twice about it. I'm going to be going to my dad's place again in a few days and I probably will not wear a mask in his car or at his home, but if we go into town for any reason (to get booze, for instance) I will wear my mask.
See, the thing is, I recognize that masks aren't perfect at stopping viral transmission, but I also realize their odds of doing so are considerably greater than zero. As someone who actually has the capacity of analyzing basic numbers, I understand that when it comes to protection, even a number like ten percent protection is way, way bigger than zero percent protection, so I'd consider it morally bankrupt not to try and help protect myself and others. The fact that Covid-19 can break out in a factory, even a factory that makes masks, just makes me feel sorry for people who have to work in such conditions. Capitalism FTW, am I right?
I mean, what's next? A thirty-six-point headline saying "Just in: Trump says belief in God kills Covid-19" and a massive flock to public worship spaces? Jesus.

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