The ones that you rip in non-secure mode will potentially not sound as
good as the ones that you do in secure mode.  In secure mode, they are
guaranteed to be an exact copy of your cd.  It depends on whether you
actually sit in front of your pc whilst it's ripping.  I did my 300 odd
albums in secure mode over a month or so.  I'd put a new cd in whenever
I noticed that the old one had finished, then would go off and do
whatever else needed doing around the house.  The difference between 3
minutes and 7 was therefore fairly irrelevant.

The nice thing about the combination of secure mode and flac is that
you know you will never have to rerip.  With anything else, you're not
quite so future proof.


Mike Anderson Wrote: 
> OK, well I set up EAC/FLAC on my PC according to all the instructions,
> and it seems to be running OK.
> However, it's still taking somewhere between 5-10 minutes to rip most
> of my CDs.  I've got hundreds of CDs, so it's a major undertaking.
> Question:  What am I losing by not running EAC in secure mode?  Doing
> so substantially cuts down on the ripping time.  So how much difference
> does it really make?
> Can I use secure mode on those CDs I really care about (about 20% of
> them) and unsecure mode on the rest of them, or would that present
> problems?


The wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible
and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws
but Max stepped into his private boat and waved good-bye
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