pfarrell Wrote: 
>  Humans are highly sensitive to
> location for high frequencies, mostly due to the
> shading caused by the head/distance between ears. 

I'm sorry Pat, but that makes absolutely no physiological sense. What
is 'shading', I should ask. Humans are highly sensitive to localized
sounds in all frequencies, even Very Low Frequencies (<100Hz). 

In his Audio Engineering Society presentation '_Physiological
considerations for A SECOND low frequency channel for bass management,
subwoofers, and LFE_ 2005 New York' , Robin Miller sites Jeffress'
model (1948) of Interaural Time Differences (ITD's), Interaural Level
Differences (ILD's), and Interaural Phase Differences in brain function

A more factual description of the 'head/distance between the ears'
theory, would be that binaural neurons in the midbrain contain
electrochemical 'OpAmps', as outlined in Miller's paper, with inverting
and non-inverting inputs used via 'delay lines' and 'coincidence
detectors' to arrive at a point in the brain that tells us ' that sound
is 100hz ~20degrees left of center '.
Miller answers yes to the following questions:
1. Is it possible to perceive binaurally in the VLF (16--->100)
2. Is reproducing stereo bass in the VLF pleasing aurally.
3. Does current music/movie content support stereo bass.

The paper is truly interesting for pre-med's as well as engineers.  I
highly suggest everyone check it out, especially since I did all the
hard work of finding it for free :p (it's usually $20 on the AES


pfarrell Wrote: 
>  Humans (or at least 99% of humans) can't place
> the source of that tone [41Hz] within 90 degrees.
Concertgoers would tend to disagree, again, according to the paper.  

pfarrell Wrote: 
> If you have to have two of them, and they are reproducing the low E of a
> normal guitar (~82 Hz) then they are woofers, not subwoofers. At least
> to me.
In theory, you have two seperate instruments, one produces the 40Hz
vibrato on the left soundstage, the other subsequently produces the
42Hz bass vibrato on right soundstage. On a 2 mic recording those
sounds will be localized, if not discernable by location in and of
itself, then by envelopment of sound, which is what constitutes the
base of the stereo experience itself, even moreso than imaging- at
least to me.

ezkcdude Wrote: 
> I have no plans to build stereo subs.
OK. Others might.

Robin Bowes Wrote: 
> Sorry, are you living in a parallel universe where the laws of physics
> are different? 
DeNada. I like to think of it as 'outside the box', but I've been asked
the same before :)

Robin Bowes Wrote: 
> Below a certain point, low frequencies are omni-directional. End of
> story. 
That's a poor thesis statement.

Robin Bowes Wrote: 
> Using two subs doesn't mean you have "stereo subs". 
If you hooked up two subs in mono you'd be... dumb.

Robin Bowes Wrote: 
> I suggest you do take the time to construct a well-considered response.
I tried to do so, Robin, especially for you. That is not a tongue in
cheek statement in the least. I learn everytime I log on, and I have no
doubt I've learned a lot from you. 

Robin Bowes Wrote: 
> You sound like you're talking crap most of the time
I'll be the first to admit I've been wrong. I'm also happy to admit
when I am. I learn from it, and am grateful to the forum members for
tolerating my crap. I hope to be able to return something tangible to
the community as a token someday.

Robin Bowes Wrote: 
> If only so we can put you right.
All you need to know is that my favorite color is green, and that was
covered in the picture forum thread.

pfarrell Wrote: 
> and had eight or so
> 15+ inch drivers, The sound came up thru a furnace grate.
That would be a mono subwoofer, and I won't speculate on the sound of a

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