He also called the difference "irrelevant" for general listening.  Now,
that's saying a lot.

Again, I don't really know much about the Levison DAC.  However, with a
cutting-edge device, such as the Mytek or Lavry, devices that fully
buffer and re-clock the incoming signal, differences in transport --
short of skipping CDs or whatever -- are irrelevant or at least audibly

I definitely noticed a difference when using the Lavry DAC -- and other
DACs, for that matter.  However, my experience was akin to JA's: for
less then really attentive critical listening with certain music
kinds...the differences between the stock SB and SB/DAC became far less
relevant.  To my taste, at least.  I just don't get so buggy about the
finest nuances, I suppose, and I don't chase after them with an open

So much of audio, I think, is akin to bike racing.  With serious road
bikes, a gram of weight costs around a buck.  When  you're talking
about stripping down half a pound somehow, you're talking about a lot
of money.  On the other hand...you can easily lose half a pound working
out hard for a couple or three days.  Ditto with audio: it is a lot
easier, and cheaper, and more effective, to invest time in careful
speaker placement rather than throwing an additional $5,700 at a
fancier transport...

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