
I'm not an engineer, but in speaking with engineers it seems to always
come down to jitter (both data and timing jitter).  And there are a lot
of things that can affect jitter...the actual transport mechanism, the
impedence matching between the output of the transport, the digital
cable, and the digital input on a DAC, etc.  What remains a mystery to
me is (as highdudgeon points out) that if a DAC has a data buffer and a
re-clocking mechanism, why would upstream jitter have an effect?  I
still don't have an answer for that.

FWIW, I mentioned in another thread that the difference between my SB2
and my reference transport was very minor in sound quality before I had
had a chance to really properly treat the acoustics in my room, and that
I only noticed a significant difference when I finally got the room
treatments right.  So the ability to hear the differences are affected
by a lot of other variables.


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