Phil, thanks for your rather sane response. I just want to agree with
your point about appreciating the music more. I think this is true, and
a similar thing happened to me when I started becoming more serious
about (amateur) photography. I can't ever really go back to just taking
snapshots, even though 99% of folks are happy with that level of
"artistry". And for me, I'm not sure I'll ever go digital, as long as
my trusty Nikon F4 has something to say about it (but this is a
discussion better left for, not here).

Anyway, I do have an idea about the DAC/jitter/re-clocking thing. I
agree that, theoretically, the transport shouldn't matter, if we assume
data is data, bits are bits, and so on. The only "guess" (not that word
again!) I have on the subject is that the components can actually
interefere with each other and cause different amounts of jitter? For
example, maybe the SB3 produces more RFI in the external DAC than your
reference transport? Maybe, if you moved the SB3 and transport farther
away from the DAC, you may hear a difference? This is way out of my
league, but it's the only thing I can think of to explain the


SB3->Derek Shek TDA1543/CS8412 NOS DAC->MIT Terminator 2
interconnects->Endler Audio 24-step Attenuators (RCA-direct)->Parasound
Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier->Speltz anti-cables->DIY 2-ways + Dayton
Titanic 10" subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.
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