joncourage Wrote: 
> I read somewhere that in most HT-type receivers it is impossible to turn
> off the A>D  conversion/signal processing (and therefore the
> redundant-seeming A>D>A cycle), and that even the "True/Direct Bypass"
> features don't bypass this conversion, they only bypass tone controls
> and other DSP-type processing.
Hmm, that's a valid point.  I don't know whether or not the same holds
true for my Pioneer.  I checked the user manual (as much as it can be
trusted), and it says that the Direct setting "bypasses all effects and
surround settings" to output audio that's "as close to the input source
as possible."  They make no mention of A->D conversion... whether
that's because most consumers don't really know what A->D conversion is
or because the conversion still takes place, I don't know.

So that question is still open, and you could very well be right that
even the Direct setting still goes through the A->D->A conversion... in
which case using the SB3 digital outputs is pretty much my "only"
recourse to ensure proper sound.

I guess I could try emailing Pioneer, though I'd have to reach someone
whose technical knowledge would be trustworthy (as opposed to scripted

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