Like I said, I should hope the Gold was more resolving.  Eight or nine
times the cost.  Yep, it had better be something special.  I find it
out that you consider the Lavry "smearing," though.  Audio
professionals and even high-profile reviewers I know consider it state
of the art and perfectly revealing.  In an absolute sense.  Still,
there is always a matter of taste.  I personally prefer it to the
Benchmark, but some people prefer the Benchmark.  Potatoes, Potaatoes.

Alas, modding something by one's self is beyond most people.  The
Monica sounds kind of cool, though.  Is there a market place somewhere
for DIY projects like this?  From your comments, I'd be interesting in
getting my paws on one to check outl.

Jenks;145923 Wrote: 
> Lots of expensive parts were involved so it was not cheap cheap, I think
> about USD400 plus the SB2.  A lot went into the power supplies and black
> gates everywhere.  Black Gates work very well with NOS DACs - better
> than Auricaps.
> I couldn't call the DA10 close to the Gold in my system, but obviously
> such subjective ratings are subjective. My system involves Nuforce amps
> too, but through Jena SCs and Verity Parsifals.  I have owned the Blue
> about two years, the Black about three months and had the Gold on loan
> for 6 weeks.  The Black is on loan to a friend who also finds it a
> little too lacking in immediacy in his system.  It is a fantastic
> value, no doubt of that, clearly better value than the Blue.  But I do
> prefer my Monica2, and the Gold was clearly more resolving and notes
> started and stopped with much less smear and more naturally.


Really nice Harbeths.  Nuforce amps.  Digital EQ.  Lavry DA10.  SB3. 
Transporter on the way.  This is my "main system."  The nicest thing
was doing away with the preamp.  The SB3 is a perfect Transport.
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