Impeller;158147 Wrote: 
> Yes; it seems they're the cheapest Dynaudios, and that would
> realistically be our upper limit. So they'd be substantially better
> than the Monitor Audio Bronze 2s (£200) with, say, a Rotel RA-05?
> I'm in Braintree, Essex; if anyone knows good places to listen and buy
> please let me know. Will probably go to Rayleigh Hi-Fi in Chelmsford me
> thinks.

Well I don't know the MAs well, so can't really comment on the relative
merits.  I know Dynaudio and their designers; their speakers are good
but you may find the presentation a bit much if you prefer a more laid
back sound - they have great dynamics.  The Rotel RA-05 would be more
than adequate to highlight the difference; the preference is up to you

Rayleigh should be fine; I see they don't do the Dynaudios though. 
Challenge them to produce a great sound for your budget - they will be
able to!  They do Ruarks which are nice - I lived with a pair of
Equinoxes (spelling?) for a time, which were so gently authoritative,
lovely speaker.

Make sure you take some great music along, and have fun!  Let us know
what you like there.



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables
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