P Floding;169832 Wrote: 
> This is where it gets tricky!
> It is unreasonable to demand that manufacturers can prove
> (substantiate) subjective claims. Just like no-one can really say why a
> Porsche is better than an MX-5 (if we pretend they have the same 0-60
> times and top speed for the sake of the argument).
> I much prefer subjective marketing BS to fantasy technical explanations
> with no connection to reality.
> There is a huge industry of people telling others what, mostly
> subjectively, is "the best"!
> When it comes to hi-fi my pet theory (a "truth" for me) is that
> measured performance is so unreliable because measurement is seldom
> done in a real context. If you can actually extract the "on paper
> performance" from a component you should get good sound, but I believe
> many components fail to deliver when put in real systems.

Yeah agreed.  When someone says "this sounds really great, much better
than everything else", I think "yeah right, to your ears maybe.  I'll
listen to it and decide for myself thanks".  But when they say "it has
0.00001% THD, 1.32ps jitter, S/N of 723dB", I think "huh?  That has no
meaning in my context.  I will be listening to music on it, not
measuring it."

I recognise that some equipment (especially digital) can have some
things measured where there is clearly a better/worse scale, and that
there is an obligation on manufacturers to ensure that there are no
really poor design flaws in a product.  I only buy from manufacturers
(and dealers) that I trust not to fob off poor product.

But the bottom line, for me, is that fluffy pseudoscience marketing
should stick to shampoo and avoid audio.  Honest marketing, like
no-risk trials, that's what we like :)

(And I do like how this thread has got totally off-topic.  OP: this is
how human interaction works.  It's like having a conversation.  You can
always gently steer it back, but a bit of randomness never hurt anyone
:) )



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables
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