Eric Carroll;184150 Wrote: 
> Well, I like to buy the best over the line of audibility, but not at the
> cost of an order of magnitude in price. So a Transporter makes sense to
> me over an SB3, but you can see i have SB3s too :-) I don't have the
> top end DAC you might notice.
You definitely confusing me with someone else. :) I didn't say a word
about top end. I said best - meaning best option among others,

Eric Carroll;184150 Wrote: 
> When using optical I pick a known to me manufacturer of decent optical
> patch cables. Tight fit and good seating are all that I look for. "The
> network is the connector" after all...
Can you name it, the brand? Is it available online?

Back to business. What you said is based on certain audibility
assumptions. Those assumptions are based on some empirical data. Now, I
have some reservations about this kind of conclusions. We say jitter
less then X ns is inaudible. The question is - inaudible to whom? An
average person, or "trained to listen" kind of  person? What kind of
equipment and what kind of music (I assume it was music) was used? The
listening environment? Such a test performed for audiophile or PSTN
phone line gear may give results as different as different the purpose.
Further - I forgot almost everything about psychoacoustics I read in
the past, but I remember there was something about human's ability to
feel - not exactly hear, some phase shifts at frequencies higher then
20kHz, which affect emotional response on music - this explains
audiophile sensitivity to nuances that we normally can't explain based
on theoretical upper-frequency limit of human hearing of approximately
20 kHz.

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