I think the point is the attitude shown by Slim Devices and Logitech
staff.  Someone posts saying they reckon XYZ sounds better or worse,
the people in power can respond in one of these ways:

- Oh that's interesting.  The areas that affect this have not been
changed at all by the factor that you propose, and our measurements
indicate that there is no change.  Could you try this blind?  Is anyone
else finding anything like this?  It does seem unlikely, so we'd
appreciate a bit more data.

- That can't happen.  What is the point of coming out with comments
like this that have no basis in my understanding of reality and have
not been tested to destruction?  Please go away you small person
resembling genitalia.

It is possible to be open and sceptical, like the first approach,
rather than being dismissive like the second.  It encourages others to
try to test the phenomenon, adding to the dataset, whereas the second
approach puts a lot of people off.

Whatever people are hearing, they are unlikely to post here without
thinking it might be real.  Let's have some healthy scepticism and
constructive comments - especially from the Slim staff.  There is a lot
of voodoo and snake oil in hi-fi, but there is also a lot that is
unknown or poorly understood.



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

'Last.fm group: people who don't listen to any of last.fm's top

SB+, EAR 859, Living Voice Auditorium II plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES
adamslim's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7355
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=36503

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