eiret;226036 Wrote: 
> > cliveb;226016 Wrote: 
> > Presumably you are referring to the "digital volume control" section in
> > the "computer audio playback setup guide", 
> > 
> > Here is the mathematic : EXAMPLE (decimal numbers are used for
> > simplicity): 
> > When multipling 21 by 0.5 (equation: 21 * 0.5), the result is 10.5.  
> > The result (10.5) requires three digits to represent it, where as the
> > two multiples (21 and 0.5) only had two digits. 
> > 
> > Se below on this side :
> > http://extra.benchmarkmedia.com/wiki/index.php/Digital_volume_control> > 
> So, in your example, the sound amplitude is represented as 21.
> But if you multiply 21 by 256 first (which is like what happens when
> you upsample from 16 bits to 24 bits) the amplitude is now
> represented by 5376. Divide 5376 by 2 and you get 2688 which is still
> a whole number.
> That is why upsampling is done before the volume control is
> applied...what would have been "16 bit fractions" are handled
> properly.
> Darren


SB3 with Inguz -> Sony DAS-703ES DAC -> Krell KAV-300i -> PMC AB-1
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