I'd be happy to post the files, but I'm not quite sure exactly which
files you're referring to, and what form (if any) they need to be
converted to to be viewable.  I really just followed Inguz's
instructions to the letter to set things up - but don't truly
understand what each component of the Inguz system actually is.

Is the measured impulse response the file that ImpulsePrep created for
me from my recordings?  If so, isn't that a sound file?  Do I have to
capture an "image" of it to post?

And the filter file - are those the files that give me the option of
"normal, strong, minimal" room correction?  If so, I've been using the
normal one almost exclusively.

I believe the last target file I used to generate impulses was the
bk-3.txt file.

The few (and they are few) flaws in the implementation of Inguz DRC for
me may come down to the integration of a sub in my system.  Perhaps
there is a dip in my LF response that is causing DRC to try to boost
more than is healthy - hence the need to drop down to -20db and still
clip on loud recordings.  One of these days I'm going to try DRC
without the sub - but I just don't have the patience right now to
reroute all the cables and remeasure.  When I do, I'll probably find I
don't need the sub at all.  For now, a large bullmastiff dog requires
me to keep my speakers mounted on bookshelves.  Using the hi-pass out
on the sub to run the speakers seems to cut down on some rattles and
shakes with stuff on the shelves, and clears up the mids a bit.

My modest system includes (pic posted in photo thread):

Paradigm Studio 20s (running off sub hi-pass filter)
B&W ASW600 subwoofer (running off speaker level)
NAD C542

Sorry for my lack of technical expertise here.  This is all probably
more than you wanted to know, but if we all didn't find this stuff
interesting we wouldn't be posting here.

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