acousticsguru;229884 Wrote: 
> How come you're excluding the possibilty (= that which directly follows
> from the quote you took from my reply), that you might hear the same
> difference because it's there? You make this sound as if you're not
> even taking this into consideration.
> In other words, if I vote for moderate scepticism and say that in case
> of doubt, one should perhaps trust one's ears (and satisfy oneself with
> finding the reason in good time), you're voting for a complete distrust
> of one's aural faculty? That can't be what you meant to say, right? So,
> what about taking that possibility into consideration, that you might
> indeed hear what I (and others) hear?
> Greetings from Switzerland, David.

Ok, so we have already agreed that jitter is the only variable we are
considering, and that if there is jitter, it is substantially below
what has been shown experimentally to be audible. Therefore, in the
light of real evidence out there, how could you blame me for not
believing your sighted testing?


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