In his masterpiece, Leo Beranek came up with what is commonly referred
to as Beranek's law. It is intended to warn loudpeaker designers from
drinking their own Kool-Aid. 

"It has been remarked that if one selects his own components, builds
his own enclosure, and is convinced he has made a wise choice of
design, then his own loudspeaker sounds better to him than does anyone
else's loudspeaker. In this case, the frequency response of the
loudspeaker seems to play only a minor part in forming a person's
opinion." L.L. Beranek, Acoustics (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1954),

Perhaps the situation also pertains to cables and cable designers?
Perhaps some cables sound different than other. Do they sound better?
Worse? Does it have to sound "better" in order to justify 7k or does
"sounds funny" also warrants a high tag?

What does "better" sound like?

I don't know why the Pear manufacturer doesn't just do a blind AB-ing
test and take the million. Results can't be contested, it is cheap and
there are many AES researchers who can manage such a test. Should be
the easiest thing to do... 


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