The killer for me on this Randi application is the pretest. It states
that JREF will run you through a "pretest" which is specifically stated
NOT to be your protocol, and it doesn't sound like you have any say in
the matter of the pretest. 

So lets say you come up with a protocol you like using your equiptment
or whatever. They can have you go to their headquarters with the cable
hooked up to a boom box and if you can't tell the difference in that
situation they deny your application. Well with that sort of clause
they can do whatever they want to throw out any applicant they want. 

The other one thats interesting is the "media presence" clause. In
order to be an applicant you have to be a celebrity, or published, or
have a recomendation from someone they will consider an expert that you
have this ability. So not only do you have to prove it to Randi, you
have to prove it to somebody on their expert list FIRST. 

This is fair? 

John S.

PS I use 18 gauge long crystal magnet wire for my speaker cable, about
$2 per foot. I usually CAN hear the difference with expensive cables,
they almost always sound worse than the magnet wire.

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