Andy, that's fine - of course you don't have to discuss it.

Phil Leigh;238596 Wrote: 
> I always imagined that by dumping the bits frame by frame into a buffer
> and then reading them out aysnchronously but with a very high-rez/low
> jitter clock, the end result would be good. Provided that the buffer
> never underruns then I see no reason why this wouldn't work. Since the
> sampling frequency is a "given", there's no need to re-discover it from
> the the bitstream. Just grab the bits and feed them into the DAC nice
> and steady.

The problem is that the frequency of the input is -not- given, because
each oscillator has a slightly different average frequency.  So your
local clock will never match the one that generated the input exactly,
which means the buffer will eventually overflow or empty.

Unless...  unless you can vary the speed of oscillation of the  DAC
clock in response to the state of the buffer (slow it down if it's
getting close to empty, speed it up if it's getting close to full, no
adjustment if it's just right).  That's how Lavry's DACs are supposed
to work (although evidently the DA10 doesn't), and it sounds like
that's what Andy is doing.

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