Phil Leigh;238540 Wrote: 
> Welcome to the forum - and thanks for the gratuituous comment. I was
> under the impression that "being informed" was the converse of "being
> uninformed" and thus represents a binary state. Therefore, being
> "grossly uninformed" makes no sense, since one cannot be less informed
> than "uninformed".
> Since I didn't mention "TOSLINK" in my comment, I'm not sure what you
> are taking exception to. ADAT LightPipe (for example) is a variation on
> Toslink that has been in pro-use for a long time and some great
> recordings have been made using it - so clearly it can't be all that
> bad, can it? 
> Also, no matter what your oscilloscope says, few people can reliably
> distinguish optical vs. SPDIF in various systems with their actual
> ears...this may well be because the DACS they are using effectively
> deal with the jitter arising from both the Toslink and SPDIF
> interfaces.
> My point was simply that IN PRACTICE there is little if any to choose
> between them. Theory well may say otherwise...but then theory has a
> poor track record compared to practice IMHO.

You are the one who said it was a myth, not me. You can parse my words,
but if you believe that it is a myth, then you are wrong. Misinformed,
uniformed, or just plain ol' wrong: take your pick.

TOSLINK and glass fibre both have problems. But for different reasons.
It is possible to make a high-qulality fibre link, but few know how to
do it. (They could start by reading the app notes more closely for a

Just because "some people" can not distinguish between the two is not
the same as concluding it is a myth. Which you seem to have done.

As to the "great recordings" that you refer to: how many were done that
had an external clock fed to them?

Anyway, there are sonic differences that can be heard. No, it does not
take the most expensive system known to mankind to hear it. We have
demonstrated in many times when we were in the business of selling that
type of equipment. Somehow, it never hurt our sales.

BTW....thanks for the welcome!


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