wayne325;420007 Wrote: 
> I'm not doing parallel DACs in my current design, although I am using
> the
> same DAC chips and fully balanced (2 chips per channel).  I want to
> become
> successful with my first foray into this before I get really tricky
> and
> start laying down FPGAs and have to learn how to do digital filtering
> and
> cubic splines and such.

Listened to the DAC today for the first time - running off my CD
Now I better get going on the
power supplies.  And I guess I'd better buy a Tranporter now to test
listen to !!!!!

THe DAC is a home-grown one... I use a CPLD for input switching, clock
switching, decoding the C-channel data and the like.  Use a DIR9001
receiver, SRC4192, and dual PCM1704/K DAC chips per channel - I run
balanced. The analog portion is all discrete.  Planes are split - 2
analog and 1 digital. And there are a dozen or maybe 15 regulators.  I
count them all !!!

Here are my quick notes - it's my new DAC compared to a decade-old
CDP.3 CD player that also was the S/PDIF source for the DAC:


First listen 7/22/09 !!!!!

The first impression is quite good.  It’s smooth, sounds a bit rolled
off in the highs although the highs are definitely there and sound
clearer and crisp but quieter.  It’s difficult to do critical listening
with the fans of the power supplies going.  Also AC units and TV in the
other room.  Output voltage is down maybe 2 or 3 dB compared to the
Classe CDP.3 I’ve had for many years.  Maybe I can adjust it a bit
higher.  Compared to the Classe, it sounds more rounded, smooth, mellow.
Also very detailed – hear sounds I’ve never heard before, and some
sounds I’m very familiar with sound quite a bit more clear… less…. Muddy
perhaps.  The thing is dead quiet, at full volume there is absolutely no
sound coming from it whatsoever and it’s not even in a case and has
wires hanging all over the place.  The Classe sounds more etched,
strident, or grainy in comparison and is definitely more noisy – like
hissing sound and “ghosts” of the music – ie noise that is correlated to
the signal and the DAC has none of that.

I’m really surprised at how different this DAC sounds from the Classe
CD player.

Also must keep in mind this thing is nearly new.  It ran in for 6 or 8
hours on the bench today and I didn’t give it any warm-up time at all
before I started listening… just powered it up and started to listen.

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