Phil Leigh;498388 Wrote: 
> There is no "algorithm" at play here. It's really just a mechanical
> transfer of data from one medium to another. However, when things don't
> go well the results can be different. Because of the mechanical
> limitations of CD compared to (say) hard disk, reading is not always
> 100% predictable.

Concerning damaged discs, I perfectly understand the approach "trash
this sh** and buy another disc !"

Phil Leigh;498388 Wrote: 
> ... or are you perhaps referring to the MD5 hashing algorithm? This is a
> fixed piece of logic. MD5 is a standard - you can't have different
> versions of it...

No, I'm perfectly aware of this point.

Phil Leigh;498388 Wrote: 
> Ripstation is designed for a different use-case to the others. It is
> designed primarily for unattended, automated ripping of multiple discs.
> It does not feature the intensive sector multi-reread approach of the
> others, because that would break/slow to a crawl the automated workflow
> it is designed to support. So it will handle certain disc read errors
> differently. This is why you can get a different checksum. Ripstation
> will eventually write an error log and move on...

I can admit this - really. But, if I'm not wrong, RipStation software
are used by Linn in it's Majik DS. I was so thinking that the piece of
software was a little bit reliable...

Phil Leigh;498388 Wrote: 
> At the risk of repeating myself ("Nurse - more pills, more pills") the
> chance of multiple rips using different discs, drives and rippers
> arriving at the same incorrect checksum is virtually zero. This cannot
> be argued from any logical or mathematical standpoint - honestly.
> This is why AccurateRip is helpful. The only issue with AR is if you
> get a different checksum on a well represented disc, you only know the
> rip is not 100% accurate - you don't know what that really means in
> terms of audible playback effects.
> If you really want to explore this further, compare your rips in
> AudioDiffMaker. IF there is a difference, this WILL find it...
> You'll need a means of running Windows apps though...

Ah ! I was precisely wondering what software could do a audio diff.
Thanks ! But it seems to be difficult to download (I found no direct
link). Today I will do two more rips, with cdparanoia & RubyRibber. I
hope I will found the same FLAC MD5 as with EAC/dbPowerAmp : it will be
far more comfortable ;) !

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