magiccarpetride;581926 Wrote: 
> The only question is what kind of distortion are we talking about. 

Well, no, there's at least one other rather crucial question - the
level of distortion and whether it's low enough to be inaudible.  For
mature digital components like DACs, I believe that standard designs
are capable of reducing distortion levels to far below the threshold of

>  Thus there is a consensus that digital sound reproduction is inferior
> to analog sound reproduction.

There is certainly a consensus among the people that agree :D.

> Beresford Caiman DAC is designed in such a way to sound like a vinyl
> record. Gone are all the harsh artifacts that other, much more
> 'correct' and superior DACs invariably introduce into the audio chain.
> Anyone who is fortunate enough to hear Caiman DAC in action is
> guaranteed to get blown away by the analog-like warmth, softness and
> sweetness of the sound it produces. In comparative blindfold testing,
> it is always clear that other DACs tend to sound cold, clinical,
> lifeless, when compared to Caiman.
> If I place you in a DBT session with Caiman and some other flagship
> DACs and you can't hear the drastic difference between the two, then
> I'd be forced to conclude that you have no pulse whatsoever.

It's clearly possible to design a DAC so that it induces enough
distortion to make an audible difference.  Personally, I'd immediately
chuck any such DAC design out the window and start over, because in my
view, the goal is to minimize the distortion the components in my audio
chain add to the signal.

> The reason I'm so sure is that I've tried comparative listening tests
> with some other components (most notably pre amps and power amps), and
> for many instances, couldn't really detect much, or any difference.
> With Caiman, however, the difference is immediate.
> Try it, you'll be very, very surprised.

I will, if I get a chance.  Thanks.

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