Toy Maker;638339 Wrote: 
> I will also do a little testing/listening of FLAC vs. wav files vs. CDs
> in the next week or so. 
> Again, i don't expect to be able to hear a difference. But I want to
> cover all my bases before showing up unprepared, and look stupid and
> have anyone tell me "see we told you CDs were better"
> Approximately what % of space is saved using FLAC files over the raw
> wav files?

For someone with so many toys you seem kinda green :)

The bitstreams will be identical. The jitter may vary between devices.
The difference will likely be inaudible. Good DACs will make the
difference in jitter non existent. It's been beaten to death years ago.
You're a little late to the party.

If you use a DAC that can use an external word clock with the
Transporter the jitter will be effectively 0. I assume some CD players
can drive or use input a word clock as well.

If you use an external DAC you basically want a single master clock
running both the player and the DAC. Rather than use SPDIF and recreate
the clock in the DAC. This is the best way to use an external, but you
likely won't hear a difference with out it. If it's reasonbly good CD
player or Transporter.

FYI DBpoweramp, is so much better than EAC. They own accurateRip
(assuming you know what that means). You seem a bit hung up on EAC. You
get a bunch other nice tools with dbPoweramp as well.

I think most folks on this forum are convinced going with Music
libraries even if it was slightly worse than CD. The luxury of your
whole library at your finger tips is great. Flac rules around here for
most folks. WAV was created with Windows 3.1, much better, does error
correcting, easier to store meta data and have the space with no loss.
It can also support 24/96 (officially) as well as multi channel. You
can also setup your server to send WAV to Transporter/SB3 even if your
library is in FLAC. Silly, but you can.


Transporter/DuetController > SPDIF > Meridian G68 > DSP6000, DSP5500HC,

"It's the speakers and room stupid".

'My Transporter Setup'
'Hitch Hikers Guide to Meridian' (
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