Toy Maker;638339 Wrote: 
> I will also do a little testing/listening of FLAC vs. wav files vs. CDs
> in the next week or so. 
> Again, i don't expect to be able to hear a difference. But I want to
> cover all my bases before showing up unprepared, and look stupid and
> have anyone tell me "see we told you CDs were better"
> Approximately what % of space is saved using FLAC files over the raw
> wav files?

Since it has been shown many times in many different tests of all kinds
that flac and wav sound identical, along with the space savings of
around 40% to 50% of flac over wav, the other compelling reason for
using flac is the ability to tag the files. Properly and consistently
tagged files go a long way in helping to maintain an organized digital
music library.

Regarding the Bryston BDP-1 thread over on Stereophile forum, I'm still
pretty much convinced (although I have absolutely no way to prove it)
that the review was assigned to a reviewer with almost no experience in
computer based audio which in turn led to a very poorly written and very
incomplete review. Any reader with a similar lack of experience with
computer audio (and no, experience with iTunes does not count) the
review appears to be well written and somewhat informative and
Stereophile has managed to keep it's track record of no really negative
reviews intact.

To those of us who live with and use computer based audio on a daily
basis the review was a sham. Mr. Atkinson's comment in post #95 that I
am "a a self-proclaimed computer audio expert" only highlights the poor
level of experience and understanding most of Stereophile's staff have
with regards to computer based audio. For me their biggest mistake is
allowing the myths and nonsense of analog audio to bleed over into
digital audio. $200 USB cables are plain and simply a ripoff but a
major source of ad revenue and so Stereophile has to somehow justify
the usefulness of these cables.

After the thread had run its course I still that the Bryston BDP-1 is
no more than a $200 PC sound card in an $1800 aircraft quality machined
aluminum jacket.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2 (oops) -> Touch

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