I havent really embraced the DSP bandwagon. I'm sure its a good one. 

What I have embraced is the SRC bandwagon. What I can say is that I
have got some good mileage in conversion techniques. Example: my
maggies are a bit "intense" on the high end. Good stuff, but maybe a
bit too much of it. I refused to go with resistor "attenuation" as
recommended may Magneplanar. I chucked the enclosed resistors that were
shipped with my speakers. Been tweaking ever since. Sure the planars are
very directional. Just a simple toe in or out can solve many problems.
What I found with that "solution" I was missing some of the stuff that
I like. 

Hence - look for other techniques (affordable of course). Started
playing with SRC techniques. Liked the Sox over the SSRC. Then played
with the phase. Starting with "linear" to "minimum". I found, now this
is with my system and your mileage may and most definitely will vary,
that the decrease in phase from linear to minimum really helped with
"fatigue" and overall satisfaction with the sound. I upsample to 24/96
by the way. From the get go it has sounded better on my system. 

This is a very new way of thinking for me by the way. I come from the
camp that "digital is digital". I'm a convert. In the process, I have
become a huge fan of redbook. Never thought that would happen either!


System: modified Winsome Labs Mouse, modified Maggie MMG's, Transporter,
HSU sub 12, MSB DAC to 500 watt sub slave amp, JPS labs power cords,
Silver audio interconnect, Audioquest Granite speaker cable.
earwaxer9's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39527
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=88582

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