SBGK;685486 Wrote: 
> I have removed the toslink and screen and have it angled away from the
> circuit board, I then put in a plastic box, I then wrapped the box in
> tin foil, well someone had to. The reasoning was that we already know
> the Touch is sensitive to radiation and emf of various sorts that's why
> removing the screen , removing the toslink and switching off the
> wireless has an effect, but the modern house is still full of wireless
> radiation from the router, the laptop, the cordless phone and about 5
> other peoples routers. So thought I would try the tin foil treatment on
> the cordless phone, surprisingly enough the phone could not connect. So
> carried that forward to the Touch. The result is that the already good
> sound was sort of cleansed and firmed up.
> So all the software tweaks and server tweaks may only get you so far,
> at the end of the day, to maximise performance, you may have to block
> out the wireless emf radiation.
> I am keeping my tin foil faraday cage on the Touch, should also help
> with CME's, although everything else will be fried.

in my orgy of covering things in tin foil I had wrapped about 5 inches
round the ethernet cable coming out of the laptop.

I was listening to the 24/96 Nirvana Nevermind and noticed that the
sound had gone soft compared to the led zep I was listening to earlier.
I checked my laptop and somewhere along the line I had removed the tin
foil from the ethernet. Put it back on and the softness was gone, looks
like that little bit of tin foil is shielding the cable from the laptop
wireless, I guess. Just to check I stripped all the tinfoil from the
squeezebox as well and there was much more softness to the sound, so
added that back on and checked again, the little bit on the ethernet is
definately making a difference. Back to full on grunge.

I know you rationalists are going to poo poo this, but from my
viewpoint it seems to work and this info might be useful to some
kindred spirit.

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