Archimago;691683 Wrote: 
>  my understanding of reality is that bit-perfect file CANNOT sound
> different

This is a bit like the flatland perspective: in reality, the bits are
only one slice of the picture. If you only consider the data, in a
theoretical 2-D way, yes, it looks impossible for a DAC to perform
differently with different transports.

However, reality involves more: the third dimension in this situation
is power: the transport is part of the electrical environment that
biases the performance of both the DAC and the amplifier. The fourth
dimension is time: timing errors matter; clock performance matters, the
reproduction of musical transients matters. 

Archimago;691683 Wrote: 
> . . . to the extent that I should ever worry about it.

Aaah! Tougher question: entirely subjective.

What seems uncharitable are accusations of 'intellectual dishonesty'
and general character blackening and mud-slinging for those who hold
another, equally credible viewpoint. Especially if you're going to play
the 'logic' card.

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