bluegaspode;691777 Wrote: 
> Shouldn't we go back to the TAS article ?
> Basically it claimed that if you rip a CD with program A, it does sound
> better than if you rip it with B (based on sighted tests).
> Now the "bit is bit" people argue, that this can only be pure
> bullshit.
> This is because even IF 
> a) one comes to the conclusion, that the position of the bits on the
> harddrive does have an impact on the circuits while reading them, 
> b) then thus influencing the transport, 
> c) then thus influencing the DAC, 
> d) then thus creating audible (repeatable) results
> it still wouldn't matter which program I use for ripping, as 
> a) the operating system has much more influence on where bits finally
> land on the harddrive
> b) every defragmenation of the disk (which nowadays happens silently in
> the background all the time) would 'destroy' positive audible effects
> c) it would matter much more if your harddrive is full or empty rather
> than what ripping program you used in the first place. Even the order
> in which you rip would have an influence on the audible result.
> Thats is why the people find this article so flawed. Even with a lot of
> goodwill about what might influence the reproduction of the same bits,
> you just cannot give "points" for different ripping programs.
> This is neither scientific, this is not even esoteric, this is just
> pure bullshit.

Exactly. I said pretty much just this before, and he completely ignored


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