item_audio;691759 Wrote: 
> This is a bit like the flatland perspective: in reality, the bits are
> only one slice of the picture. If you only consider the data, in a
> theoretical 2-D way, yes, it looks impossible for a DAC to perform
> differently with different transports.
> However, reality involves more: the third dimension in this situation
> is power: the transport is part of the electrical environment that
> biases the performance of both the DAC and the amplifier. The fourth
> dimension is time: timing errors matter; clock performance matters, the
> reproduction of musical transients matters. 

Shouldn't we go back to the TAS article ?

Basically it claimed that if you rip a CD with program A, it does sound
better than if you rip it with B (based on sighted tests).
Now the "bit is bit" people argue, that this can only be pure

This is because even IF 

a) one comes to the conclusion, that the position of the bits on the
harddrive does have an impact on the circuits while reading them, 
b) then thus influencing the transport, 
c) then thus influencing the DAC, 
d) then thus creating audible (repeatable) results

it still wouldn't matter which program I use for ripping, as 
a) the operating system has much more influence on where bits finally
land on the harddrive
b) every defragmenation of the disk (which nowadays happens silently in
the background all the time) would 'destroy' positive audible effects
c) it would matter much more if your harddrive is full or empty rather
than what ripping program you used in the first place. Even the order
in which you rip would have an influence on the audible result.

Thats is why the people find this article so flawed. Even with a lot of
goodwill about what might influence the reproduction of the same bits,
you just cannot give "points" for different ripping programs.

This is neither scientific, this is not even esoteric, this is just
pure bullshit.


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