cfraser wrote: 
> Due to the title of this thread, anything that is NOT subjective doesn't
> really belong here, if you want to get "technical"...
> I'm sure Triode is tired of hearing the same praise over and over... :)
> So what do you want people to talk about here? I got the distinct
> impression Triode *wanted* us to talk this crap exactly right here.

Triode does discuss sound quality issues here and based on my reading
tries to learn from comments made by users in order to improve EDO. He
doesn't want to hear only praise. You may be confusing him with
Soundcheck, who could not handle any constructive feedback, often
threatening to take his toys away and play elsewhere, which he
eventually did evidently). 

It is actually an entirely different issue with SBGK.  He has repeatedly
demonstrated in numerous threads that he either doesn't understand the
simple basics of how LMS, servers, TCP/IP, networks, and SB players work
or he chooses to ignore this in order to tinker in his own fantasy
world.  Nothing wrong with living in one's own fantasy world. And I'm
sure the makers of duct tape and plastic sandwich boxes are happy to see
folks like SBGK tinker as much as possible. But he wants to ignore any
requests for even basis rigor in comparisons and instead decides that
none of us in the "chorus" (as he refers to any naysayers) have
equipment that is "revealing" enough.

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