Mnyb wrote: 
> Re measurments .
> I have to crosspost a link Octavist posted in another tread :)
> "a test designed to cure "Gear Hypochondria" "

Oh my goodness ...there is only a very slight difference between the 1
one and the 60th generation. 60th generation either has 60 times the
jitter (or is it 120 or 120-1 ?) and still the difference is only very
little. This is the best way to test for jitter. Every D/A  and A/D will
add some jitter, if a system cannot resolve this or you are unable to
hear any difference, then 60 times the jitter is unnoticeable. How much
jitter can one reduce in the playback chain ? Do the digital cables or
any tweaks reduce jitter by 50-100 times ? Very interesting. Thanks for
the link..

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