jh901 wrote: 
> C'mon, Ralph.  This is an AUDIOPHILE forum.  Enthusiasts, right?  And
> someone starts a threadcrap thread about Magico without knowing the
> first thing about the company's products or the two founders.  And then
> we get an anti-audiophile threadcrap which I respond to appropriately. 
> Yet all you can do is toss me under the bus?  Wow.  Think about it, if
> someone came to a wine enthusiast site and popped off constantly about
> how Oenophiles suck and the wine press sucked and the vinters all stunk
> (aside from the box wine, of course), etc, wouldn't you expect a retort
> to shoot down the BS?  Why don't you defend your fellow hobbyists for a
> change?
> How did you arrive at the conclusion that tubes have no place in audio? 
> You better tell Vladimir Lamm among many, many other brilliant
> engineers.  If you haven't heard at the very least a modern tube pre-amp
> then it might be time for a home demo.  And I wouldn't expect you to buy
> anything.  Jeez.  Just try out an SLP-05 and use a smartphone camera to
> capture the look on your face.  LOL.  It will be priceless!

Point by point:

1) Your wine analogy is flawed - no one here is advocating big box audio
(the audio equivalent to box wine). A proper analogy would a wine lover
preferring a $30 per bottle California wine over an over priced $300 per
bottle French wine. Both wines are very good and both many merits and
both offer a great deal of enjoyment, just that with the $30 wine one
now has $270 to spend on a really nice dinner. Buying Vandersteen
speakers instead of Magico gives one $160,000 to buy a nice Italian

2) Tubes - one word: RELIABILITY

3) I did say that Cary does not sound good but rather that I don't think
it offer a level of performance even the slightest bit better than my
fully solid state Sim Audio pre-amp, which by the way is a two piece
unit: power supply in one piece and pre-amp in the other. Plus it has a
solid aluminum remote which doubles as a weapon.

4) I don't use smartphone cameras, I much prefer real cameras, you know
the kind with real lens.

5) I saw your response to my post over the "Jazz Recommendations"
thread. Give Remler a listen, you will not be disappointed.

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