Julf wrote: 
> And all on pretty limited multi-track tape, through preamps and mixers
> with lots of early-generation crappy opamps, and things like plate echo
> units. And then audiophiles worry about their USB cable... :)

Audiophiles worry while cable manufacturers rake in the money.

mlsstl wrote: 
> As far as one particular remaster sounding "far different" from another
> release of the same album, I'm beginning to suspect the subjectivist
> gene is always biologically paired with the hyperbole gene on one of the
> chromosomes. They always seem to accompany each other. 

Sounds to me like the required genetic make up in order to be a high end
audio equipment reviewer. "Subjectivist hyperbole" pretty much sums up
just about every high end audio review I have ever read.

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