Archimago wrote: 
> Where are you saying is the WM8805 SPDIF receiver in this post? That was
> the SPDIF receiver in the old AUNE X1, not the ASUS Essence One... I
> assume therefore you are the one mistaken.
> "Toslink can exhibit several 100ns of jitter" - do you mean "ps"? I'm
> pretty sure I show 100+ps difference with the Transporter's TosLink vs.
> coaxial if one were to calculate the peaks.
> BTW: What's with the "To me this (your)  exercise is useless and
> misleading" comment? Such an offensive tone is barely constructive in
> this or really any domain don't you think? Suppose you were correct in
> your comments above...  Don't you think it's still useful to document
> the (slight) differences between transport devices and encourage others
> to explore the question since results could vary depending on the SPDIF
> receivers?

based on your measurements, you seem happy for Mynb to draw the
conclusion that

"..and thats why I think the unmodded Touch is a sufficiently good
transport for any and all systems and listeners , It's "limitation" to
only 24/96 is of no particular concern either ."

which is not the real world experience of hundreds of touch users,
perhaps that is why they are useless and misleading.

Touch optimisations
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