soundcheck wrote: 
> I'm just saying that  measurements and conclusions related to the
> digital domain of the OP are wrong and misleading. A different thing are
> his analog domain (DAC outputs) measurements. Perhaps not perfect, but
> usually good enough to be relevant. Though also with those rather useful
> analog measurements the OP has a tendency to draw "final" and "general
> applicable" conclusions that would explain everything. 
> That's at least from my perspective a bit of a simplistc view
> undermining his efforts. He should avoid to attach opinions to his
> measurements. Let the numbers speak. That's enough.
> The entire "serious" audio industry knows that common measurements are
> not telling everything. Otherwise we wouldn't have seen any progress in
> the last 20 years.

Oi... I think the numbers do say enough in themselves and support the
opinions. I don't think I overstepped anything and made the case
reasonably clear based on the particular setup. To me all the transport
devices sound essentially the same subjectively and although measurable
differences exist, they are small and most likely beyond normal hearing
abilities to differentiate. Since I'm measuring the analogue out from a
reasonably good DAC (ASUS Essence One), the final output is all I really
care about and specifics about the internal SPDIF/I2S jitter tolerances,
etc. aren't as important unless I can detect the differences with my ADC
which is better than human hearing as far as I can reasonably tell!

As for "Otherwise we wouldn't have seen any progress in the last 20
years" - I'd say it's pretty *obvious* the improvements made in the last
20 years just looking at the "common measurements" like frequency
response, dynamic range, improvements in jitter compared to stuff in the
early 90's...

Here's a question for you - which "uncommon" measurements do you think
are important to consider then that could have significant impact on
audible sound quality? Which of these have the "serious" audio industry
made major improvements on?

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